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[05-23 04:00:07]   来源:http://www.suxue6.com  导游词   阅读:8275

概要:Dear, distinguished guests, after this tour of this grassland I believe you must have a general idea of how the Mongolian people live here and may feel reluctant to leave the beautiful Hulunbeier Grassland .I believe the grassland and its people enjoyed your visit as much as you did and look forward to your next one .Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope to have another chance to meet you again on this very land ,the Hulunbeier Grassland .Goodbye and good luck. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] ...
Dear, distinguished guests, after this tour of this grassland I believe you must have a general idea of how the Mongolian people live here and may feel reluctant to leave the beautiful Hulunbeier Grassland .I believe the grassland and its people enjoyed your visit as much as you did and look forward to your next one .
Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope to have another chance to meet you again on this very land ,the Hulunbeier Grassland .Goodbye and good luck.

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