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[02-22 04:45:40]   来源:http://www.suxue6.com  小学教学计划总结   阅读:8702

概要:Would you please 'tell me your name?Would you please tell me your home telephone number?5) Make a telephone call to a student and get the students to learn the following short dialogue:T: Hello. Is that 8614761?S: Yes.T: May I speak to Xiao Long?S: Sorry, he is not in the office.T: Would you please take a message and ask him to come to school this afternoon?S: Sure.T: Thank you.6) Ask the students to make calls in groups.Then ask some pairs to act out to see if they know how to use...
Would you please 'tell me your name?
Would you please tell me your home telephone number?
5) Make a telephone call to a student and get the students to learn the following short dialogue:
T: Hello. Is that 8614761?
S: Yes.
T: May I speak to Xiao Long?
S: Sorry, he is not in the office.
T: Would you please take a message and ask him to come to school this afternoon?
S: Sure.
T: Thank you.
6) Ask the students to make calls in groups.
Then ask some pairs to act out to see if they know how to use the patterns below:
May I speak to..,?
Would you please take a message?
7) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the dialogue "A Telephone Call" withthe following questions in mind:
What is the message about?
What time is the party?
Then ask the students some questions if they have understood
the dialogue.
8) Ask the students to look at the dialogue on the screen and listen to it again.
9) The teacher tells the students the meaning of the word "tomorrow" with the help of a calendar and the following sentences:
We'll have a party at school.
I'll tell him when he's back.
10) Ask the students to read the new word and the sentences on the blackboard.
11) Ask the students to retell the dialogue in their own words in pairs.
12) Play the game "Throwing Santa Claus" to see if the students can say the sentences well.
The teacher throws the toy Santa Claus to a student. When the student catches the Santa Claus, he or she must say one of the sentences on the blackboard, and then throws the Santa Claus to another student.
13) Ask the students to act out the dialogue in roles.
Step 3.
1) Show the students three pictures on the screen. Ask them to
make telephone calls in groups based on the picture they have chosen.

Picture One: You want to invite Tom to play footbaU with you, butTom hasn't got a telephone at home. You ask Rose to take a message to Tom.
Picture Tw Miss Wu is ill. You want to pay a visit to her with Jack. But Jack is not atme. His sister picks up the
Picture Three: You will hold a birthday party on Sunday. You
phone to Lily to invite her to your party, but she isn't at home. How do you speak to her mother, who is at home at that time?
2) Ask some pairs to act out their telephone calls.
3) Ask the students to make phone calls to the teachers who are sitting around the dassroom.
The teacher tells the students:"There will be a party on New Year's Day. We will invite some teachers to come to our party.
Write the names and the telephone numbers of some teachers and maketelephone calls to them".
Step 4. Summary
Tell the students the way of making a phone call in their daily life.
Step 5. Homework
Ask the students to make phone calls to their friends and tell them their school life after class.
Step 6: Ending
Sing the song "Happy Weekend".
鲍当洪老师执教的 A Telephone Call是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语课。该课教学目的明确,教学过程有序,教学活动设计合理,教学各环节过渡自然,学生思维活跃。这节课在组织和设计上主要有以下特点:



评课人:王 蔷(大赛评委、北京师范大学外语系主任)


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