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写水的议论文,帮忙写一篇英文的关于节约用水的议论文 150词左右

[10-05 22:15:30]   来源:http://www.suxue6.com  优秀作文   阅读:8972

概要:对我们而言,与空间站不相上下。参阅这文章和网页:Why save water?We waste an enormous amount of quality drinking water. The average three-person household in Waitakere City uses about 485 litres of water per day. To reduce the need for new water supplies such as the Waikato pipeline, the Waitakere City Council aims to reduce water use in the city. This will save ratepayers’ money in the long run, while making sure that we can meet the water needs of future generations.At present the Council spends about 17 mill...
写水的议论文,帮忙写一篇英文的关于节约用水的议论文 150词左右,标签:高中优秀作文,高考优秀作文,http://www.suxue6.com



Why save water?

We waste an enormous amount of quality drinking water. The average three-person household in Waitakere City uses about 485 litres of water per day. To reduce the need for new water supplies such as the Waikato pipeline, the Waitakere City Council aims to reduce water use in the city. This will save ratepayers’ money in the long run, while making sure that we can meet the water needs of future generations.

At present the Council spends about 17 million a year on supplying water to its community. That sum is expected to increase dramatically over the next years, so water saving will become more and more important in the future.

Water efficiency means less water use, less household cost, less waste discharged into the wastewater system and less cost for wastewater treatment. Wastewater costs Waitakere City ratepayers 19 million annually and again the costs will rise as the existing system is reaching its capacity. So saving water has the potential to affect our costs from the wastewater network as well as the water supply network.

Fortunately you can save quite substantial amounts of water easily and at little cost.

This chapter outlines what you can do to reduce your water bills. Water audits have shown us that you can achieve good water savings by doing lots of little things around the home and becoming aware of your water usage and the waste it creates. Using water efficiently and using water-efficient appliances and fittings both play an important role.

How much water do I use?

The pie chart below shows the average household water use of 485 litres per day, split into the different uses and the associated costs. The figures are for an average three person household and will vary depending on lifestyle, time of the year (we

use much more water in summer when it is in shortest supply) and how aware we are of water issues. To see how you compare, read your water rates bill, or ring

836 8010: we can give you figures for your water use over the past three years.

Costs and savings

It is difficult to give exact costs, savings and payback periods for water saving features because they depend so much on your existing system, the plumbing

fittings you choose and the way you then use them.

The main savings are likely to be off your electricity or gas bill (from less water heating) rather than your water rates, because water is still relatively cheap in our city. If you instal a low-flow showerhead, for instance, you can save up to $200 per year off your power bills. It would take between three months and four years to pay back its instalation cost, depending on the model chosen and the previous level of water use. Comprehensive water saving systems (using flow controllers) start at $280, and instalers claim a payback period of less than two years for retrofitting an existing house. When building a new house the benefits of instaling water-saving fittings are even greater, because they are generally no more expensive than ordinary fittings of similar quality.

And there are many simple ways of saving water that cost nothing. Adjusting a toilet to use less water, for instance, does not need to cost anything and ubstantial amounts of water can be saved.

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