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[04-17 01:44:06]   来源:http://www.suxue6.com  求职简历   阅读:8219

概要:法律与社会背景的亲生体验和理解,具备把国际化的思维与本地化的实践相结合、融会贯通从而发掘市场商机的能力 l Based on studying in Japan and working for the first-class Japanese firms, have personal experience and understanding toward Japan’s corporate culture and the commercial, legal and social background, thus have possessed an ability to tackle business opportunity by combining the international thinking with the localized practice. 具备与行业部门、相关政府部门、科研机关开展良好合作、及个性化友好关系的能力 l Being capable of cooperating with the trade management ...
      l Based on studying in Japan and working for the first-class Japanese firms, have personal experience and understanding toward Japan’s corporate culture and the commercial, legal and social background, thus have possessed an ability to tackle business opportunity by combining the international thinking with the localized practice.   
  l Being capable of cooperating with the trade management divisions, governmental bodies and technical research institutions on good basis. Also possess an ability to engage a personalized public relation issue.
Interests and hobbies
             * Music, finance and the outdoor sports such as golf etc.

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